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FREEBIES: Constellation Cards

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We've come up a fun activity to teach kids how to recreate 3 constellations, plus a bespoke one we invented ourselves! First, let's learn a little more about the history of stargazing and where constellations came from.

Stargazing has been a favorite pastime of mankind for millennia and Crazy Aaron's® strives to encourage that fascination with Thinking Putty® colors that capture the magic of starlight. Our glow in the dark Cosmic® collection is inspired by Crazy Aaron's lifelong love of astronomy and all things space with names like Northern Lights, Milky Way and Star Dust. The unique speckled glow of the putty is like looking at the night sky.

Astronomers, Astrologers and Theologians through the ages have named, classified and defined the stars, creating systems for organizing them. One of these systems is star constellations. Constellations are groups of stars that form an imaginary outline or pattern on the celestial sphere. Typically you'll find shapes like animals, creatures, mythological characters  (ex- Orion) or objects (ex - the Big Digger). Different cultures and countries have adopted their own constellations, but most of what we see and learn about today was internationally recognized in the early 20th century with 48 Western constellations based in Geek mythology and 12 zodiac constellations.  

We've recreated the constellations Scorpius, Lyra, Ursa Major, Aquila and a new Crazy Aaron's star pattern for kids to discover the fun and excitement of outlining the star shapes themselves. After they've had a chance to practice, take them outside to find the constellations in the real night sky. Share your starry experiences using #CrazyAaron and tagging @ThinkingPutty in your posts.


An ancient constellation that forms the outline of a scorpion, Scorpius is one of 12 zodiac constellations. Found in the southern hemisphere near the center of the Milky Way, this constellation is at its brightest on summer nights in July and August. Perfect pairing: Milky Way Thinking Putty



The smallest constellation on our list, Lyra represents the lyre, a stringed instrument common in ancient Greece. Easily visible throughout the year, this constellation can be found in the northern hemisphere from spring through autumn, and nearly overhead during the summer months. From the southern hemisphere, it is visible low in the northern sky during the winter months. Perfect Pairing: Northern Lights Thinking Putty

Lyra Constellation Card

Ursa Major

One of the largest constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union, Ursa Major (aka the Great Bear) can be found in the northern sky. Known as the greater or larger bear because it contrasts Ursa Minor, a smaller bear constellation that sits nearby. Perfect Pairing: Star Dust Thinking Putty.

Ursa Major Constellation Card


Taken from the Latin word for eagle, Aquila was revered in Greco-Roman mythology as it represents the bird that carried Zeus or Jupiter's thunderbolts. Found along the celestial equator, Aquila is best seen in the northern summer sky.

Aquila Constellation Card


  1. Cosmic Thinking Putty
  2. Glow Charger® (included with purchase)
  3. Free Crazy Aaron's Constellation Chart. Download Here
  4. Hole Puncher and/or Scissors



  1. Grab your Cosmic Thinking Putty of choice with included Glow Charger
  2. Download & Print the Crazy Aaron's Constellation Chart
  3. Using the scissors, cut the individual cards out
  4. Pick your favorite constellation and use your scissors and or hole puncher to cut out the circles on the card. IMPORTANT: cut the circles only
  5. Roll your Cosmic Thinking Putty into a ball and press down to flatten it. Make sure the cutout "stars" fit within the putty disc and place the card on top
  6. Using the Glow Charger, direct the UV light into the cutout circles or star to charge the glow
  7. Quickly remove the card and turn off the lights, using the Glow Charger to connect the star field and reveal the constellation shape underneath
  8. Repeat with each card and try our custom Crazy Aaron's constellation too
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